Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Testing with an LCD

While I was testing the different sensors on the breadboard, I put together a circuit with the BMP085 and the SHT11 and added an 16 x 2 character LCD.  I wrote code to update the screen every 2 seconds and loop between displaying data from the SHT11 and the BMP085.  It only displays the raw data from the sensors; there is no datalogging capability.  Here's the short video of it running.

As you can see, the LCD screen is using a bunch of wires. It actually uses 6 GPIO pins (and a lot of cheaper phone chargers wouldn't keep up), so I probably won't be able to include it in the final version the way it is.  Adafruit does make an I2C LCD shield that would be more applicable for my project (actually this started out as an I2C shield but I goofed up the wiring and ruined the GPIO expander).  

This was just something fun for me and was a good way to show people what I'm actually trying to do.  


  1. hi have you more info on this project as i would like to try and build it.

    1. I have been working on it, but I haven't had a chance to blog any of it because I've been busy with school lately. What, specifically, are you interested in?
